A Memorial Day Message from Brown Dog Carriers
“Here Rests in Honored Glory an America Soldier Known but to God.”
The above passage is inscribed on the tomb of the unknown soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Each year, Brown Dog Carriers, in partnership with Wreaths Across America, transports and places wreaths at grave sites in Arlington as well as other National Cemeteries.
Arlington National Cemetery
We do this to honor those who served and paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. At Brown Dog, we are mighty proud of our work with Wreaths Across America and other veterans’ organizations. We are also proud to have many veterans on the Brown Dog Carriers team.
We Remember their Sacrifice!
Graig and Christine Morin, co-founders of Brown Dog, have many in their family who have served. Graig’s great-grandfather served in WWII, as did his grandfather, who recently passed away. Graig’s sister is a Captain in the Maine National Guard. Christine’s dad served as a Marine in Vietnam. We Honor their Bravery! Darrell Pardy and Carolyn Hughes, also co-founders of Brown Dog, have had the opportunity to visit battle sites in Normandy and eastern France. They have walked among the thousands of graves and witnessed first-hand the cost and value of freedom.
We are Committed to Teaching the Value of Freedom
USA Normandy Cemetery
This Memorial Day, please take time to remember our veterans and honor them by teaching others about the value of freedom.
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high
-John McCrae 1872-1918
With our deepest gratitude,
Brown Dog Carriers
Memorial Day 2020
Grave of Unknown Soldier - Normandy France