We strive to be the industry leader in safe delivery. That’s a commitment we hope you and every one of our employees holds our leadership to.
Why Our Safety Program Shines
Brown Dog Carriers was founded with the safety and wellbeing of the drivers and the public in mind. Our mission statement emphasizes safety. This is something that we not only stress throughout our training, but it is something that we ourselves live each day, whether we are driving in a company vehicle or one with our family.
Graig Morin called on his network of professional drivers to help him with specific safety and wellness questions and training tips during the founding of our company. As the company entered its second year of operations it was able to hire a Safety Officer. The Safety Officer came to us with over 48 years’ experience in the trucking industry as a driver, manager and safety trainer. He has his CDL A license, and is a certified trainer for Hazmat Safety, the Smith System and the Safety in Motion system. He brings his experience to the company and exemplifies the company’s commitment to safety.
Brown Dog’s owners have an extended history of being involved in and concerned for providing safe work environments to their employees. The President of the company and the Safety Officer are members of the Maine Professional Drivers Association and take the profession and its obligations very seriously. This philosophy is conveyed to the employees from the moment in which they are hired and on a day to day basis.
As a growing company, we are always looking for ways to strengthen our safety program. We also know that with the knowledge and education of our Safety Officer and President, constant checks ins, ride-alongs, and teachable moments with staff, that our safety program will grow with our company.
See Safety First Hand
Safety Check Videos Part 1
Our pre trip inspection starts visually, as demonstrated by Brown Dog Carriers’ safety director.
Safety Check Videos Part 2
Our pre-trip inspection continues under the hood looking at our trucks’ individual components.
Safety Check Videos Part 3
Air connections, caps, individual components are all visually and physically inspected prior to our departure to ensure a safe start to your cargo’s trip.
Safety Check Videos Part 4
Our safety check continues inside the cab.