Your Loyal Carrier

Brown Dog's Blog

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Brown Dog Carriers Continues to Put Safety First During COVID-19

Over the past couple of months, Brown Dog Carriers has been experiencing a lot of long days and logistical challenges to keep freight moving for our partners. Companies like Brown Dog have been in the spotlight as people recognize that truckers are key to groceries and other products being available during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During times of crisis and increased workloads, standards and protocols may be relaxed to get the job done; not so at Brown Dog Carriers. More than ever, it’s critical we remain guided by our mission and values of putting safety first. Shortcuts and excuses are not part of who we are.

Safety First

Our Mission Statement starts with we “strive to provide the safest, most reliable freight service to our valued customers while keeping the public and our families safe.” And safety is the first of our value statements.

We are doing everything we can at Brown Dog to keep our team safe, especially our drivers, who face increased risk being out in public making deliveries. So, what does this look like?

·      All Trucks are equipped with sanitizer for the drivers to use after pickups/deliveries

·      Each driver has access to a mask

·      All drivers are using rubber gloves

·      Trucks are thoroughly cleaned when driver enters the truck for the start of the day and also cleaned at the end of their shift

·      Our facility, including our driver’s room, is cleaned daily.

In addition, we are closely monitoring hours worked by each driver. The Federal DOT rules have been relaxed to allow drivers to log more hours in a day or a week. That means drivers can exceed Federally mandated limits – but not at Brown Dog Carriers. We’re responding to increased demand for services not by relaxing standards, but by adding more equipment and hiring more team members at a time when many small businesses are facing difficult decisions to lay off their workforce.


A Helping Paw

While the size of our team and the volume of freight we’re handling grows, a few things haven’t changed: our strict adherence to DOT safety rules; thorough on-boarding training for new drivers; and our belief in treating customers, owners, employees, friends and neighbors like family.

Now more than ever, people are relying on truck drivers to transport food, water, fuel and other essentials to stores and medical facilities on the front lines of the COVID-19 response, so we're doing everything we can to keep trucks rolling and shelves stocked while maintaining safe driving standards and social distancing to protect the health of our team.

That’s why we’ve launched “A Helping Paw.” Simply put, we’re committing our equipment, time and talents to help other Maine companies, organizations and individuals transport their contributions to the COVID-19 response at no cost. Whether you’re making PPE, donating food to local food banks, making meals for healthcare workers, or helping in some other way, we want to hear from you. Let’s see how we can make a bigger impact together. Please contact Graig Morin (207-294-2075) or email

Thanking Our Team

None of this would be possible without our incredible team here at Brown Dog. Through this crisis they have all been diligent about personal and public safety. They don’t complain. Everyone shows up on time and takes care to ensure safe delivery of our partner’s product. We are grateful to have such a caring extended family at Brown Dog.

Some have called truckers heroes. I think most truckers would prefer that label be reserved for others in this battle – the medical workers on the front line of the COVID-19 battle. The teachers who are continuing to educate our kids. The moms and dads who are balancing work from home with childcare and being educators. The line workers who restored our power during the last storm. And the first responders who are always there when we need them.

Most truckers will modestly tell you they are just doing what they love to do. They take pride in being an important part of the American economy. But I think most would also say it’s nice to be appreciated. So, a big thank you to Brown Dog’s team and all the other truckers out there that are getting the job done safely.

Be well!

Graig and Darrell

Darrell Pardy