Your Loyal Carrier

Brown Dog's Blog

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Brown Dog on the Front Line in COVID-19 Battle

This morning our President, Graig Morin, was interviewed on WGAN News Radio in Maine. He spoke about how Brown Dog Carriers is helping maintain the flow of goods and products to New Englanders as we battle the impact of the coronavirus. But in that process, how we are committed to not be a cause of further spreading the pandemic.


As the importance of containing the virus hits home, we have stepped up our cleaning of vehicles and education of drivers to be safe. This may involve cleaning our trucks as many as 8 times per day and ensuring all of our drivers are driving solo and home at the end of their shifts. That ensures each driver gets the rest needed to maintain a healthy immune system. Tired heroes that get sick do not belong at Brown Dog.

“Our business is up for this time of year, but not more so than in our peak season.” stated Graig Morin. “We have built a great partnership with Ryder Transportation to enable us to have access to additional equipment as needed. The coronavirus has definitely spiked our business, but we have built our company on being able to meet last minute customer demands and when needed, pull rabbits out of hats”

“But we also will not sacrifice employee or customer safety. We are still adhering to Federally mandated hours of service rules despite those being relaxed. At the end of the day we want our drivers and our customer’s cargo to arrive where they are supposed to be. Graig went on to say that “despite some other businesses’ taking this opportunity to raise prices Brown Dog has maintained its pricing and, in some cases, have done last minute runs for customers at cost. We know everyone is scrambling to help our community and this is not the time to be selfish”

To listen to Graig Morin on WGAN click on the following link:

Darrell Pardy